Version 2 of YLAD released Guest Appearance on The Tablet Show

Advanced MVVM for Windows Phone Developers

Published on Friday, April 20, 2012 6:00:00 AM UTC in Programming

Two days ago, almost one hundred attendees joined my webinar about advanced MVVM topics. I've used some sample scenarios on the Windows Phone platform to demonstrate typical problems (and possible solutions) that you potentially will run into when you apply the MVVM pattern to your applications. In particular, I talked about:

  • Accessing features of the view from your view models (e.g. navigation features, dialogs)
  • Elegantly handle access of view model features from your views when there's no built-in support for it (e.g. missing binding capabilities in the application bar)
  • Accessing data and features that are not available in the current context (e.g. access across boundaries of unrelated view models, passing data between pages)

I'm pleased to announce that a recording of the whole webinar is now available for free here:

You can also download the slides and samples sources shown in the webinar (this requires a free account on

Thanks to everybody who attended and the great feedback I've received. Also, congratulations to all the winners of free ebooks.

Tags: MVVM · Windows Phone 7