Updated Open Source Projects

Published on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 5:30:00 AM UTC in Announcements & Tools

I used the time over the Easter holidays to update some of my open source projects. It was mostly fixing small issues and also improving support for Windows Phone 8. In particular:

Print Article: dotnetpro 04/2013 – Nicht nur mobil

Published on Thursday, March 28, 2013 6:00:00 AM UTC in Programming & Tools

dotnetpro 04/2013

Windows Phone 8: Voice Commands

Published on Monday, February 25, 2013 1:13:02 PM UTC in Programming

Part of the last article was a detailed look at the possibility of speech recognition from within your app. A logical continuation of this technology and feature is to seek deeper integration with the operating system by using voice commands. Voice commands are a way for you to register certain phrases with the Windows Phone OS that are recognized when the user invokes the built-in voice recognition, without your app being active or even launched. In this article I will explain what it takes to use this feature, and what you can achieve with it.

Windows Phone 8: Speech

Published on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:03:19 PM UTC in Programming

Windows Phone 7 already has some speech features built into the system, for example voice commands that can be invoked by holding down the start button. As with many other features of this first generation of the platform, accessibility to these was extremely limited for app developers. Once again Windows Phone 8 not only heavily improves this situation, but it also adds a variety of completely new features that both developers and users will benefit from. In this article, I'll take a closer look at text to speech and its counterpart, speech to text (speech recognition).

Developer's Best Friend

Published on Monday, February 18, 2013 6:57:00 PM UTC in Tools

No matter how much touch and gestures talk is around, the keyboard likely will continue to stay developer's best friend for a long time. My personal companion for serveral years has been the Logitech UltraX keyboard [1]. It sure isn't a high-end or premium model, but it suited my style of typing extremely well. It's not particularly durable either, at least not for someone who's using it several hours a day and likes to write both texts and code - in the last years I have worn out approximately one every year. They start to turn ugly quickly, because the silver color is rubbed off in only few months if not weeks, but technically they're robust enough to see all four seasons. At a price of less than 20€ this is something I was willing to accept.

Windows Phone 8: NFC-Near Field Communication

Published on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 1:56:33 PM UTC in Programming

In this third part about communication feature improvements in Windows Phone 8, I will focus on Near Field Communication, or NFC for short, which lately has found its way into many modern smart phones across different platforms like Android, Bada or BlackBerry. On Windows Phone, NFC support has only been added in version 8; there wasn't any support for it in Windows Phone 7 neither built-in nor available to third-party developers. The most prominent use case is for payment services like the "Wallet Hub" in Windows Phone [1], however the range of uses is not limited to that, and with the available API developers can adapt the technology easily for their particular needs.

Windows Phone 8: Bluetooth

Published on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 6:00:00 AM UTC in Programming

When we talk about Bluetooth support in Windows Phone, we really have to look at two different sides of the same medal: user experience and features as well as developer opportunities. Windows Phone 7 had basic support for Bluetooth from the beginning, however more advanced options were not available to the user. For developers, the situation was even worse, as there was no public available API to support Bluetooth features in your apps at all. Both situations have changed and improved dramatically in Windows Phone 8, however, as we will see in this article, the situation is still not perfect.

Windows Phone 8: Protocols and File Type Associations

Published on Thursday, January 31, 2013 6:45:13 AM UTC in Programming

In Windows Phone 7 we had several options to communicate with the outside world, for example using Web Services, HTTP or low-level communication using sockets. This already enabled a large field of possibilities for interesting apps. For example, I built a remote controlling component named PAARC [1] on top of this to virtually communicate with and control any .NET application from your phone. However, despite these options support for a lot of alternate technologies was missing: app developers could not use well-established things like Bluetooth, support for new technologies like NFC was missing completely on the phones, and direct app-to-app communication on a single device was impossible. Windows Phone 8 improves all of these situations, and over the next three articles I'll take a deeper look at some of the new possibilities that have been added. This time, I'll concentrate on what options we have to enable a greater interaction between apps on the local device.

Windows Phone 8: Live Tiles and Lock Screen

Published on Friday, January 25, 2013 9:30:00 AM UTC in Programming

The most prominent change in Windows Phone 8 (and 7.8 for that matter), because it's immediately visible to everyone at first glance, is the redesigned start screen with the new sizes for live tiles. In Windows Phone 7, the only option we had were square-sized tiles. Yes, phones had large landscape tiles too (for example for the pictures app), however these were not accessible to third-party developers. With Windows Phone 8, we now have three available sizes for tiles at hand, and we also can choose between multiple templates to get different looks more easily. Best of all, as we will see in this article you can even make use of a lot of the new tile features even if your app does not target Windows Phone 8 or 7.8, but only 7.1. Another feature that is tightly related to tiles (even though it may not seem like that at first) is the new lock screen notification options that we will look at in the second half of this article. Read the full article on SilverlightShow:

Windows Phone 8: Der Emulator, Fiddler, und die große weite Welt

Published on Thursday, January 17, 2013 6:49:00 PM UTC in Programming

Früher oder später kommt jeder Entwickler in die Situation, seine mühsam erstellte Anwendung wegen eines Fehlverhaltens im Debugger genauer inspizieren zu müssen. In meinem Fall wollte eine Windows Phone 8-Anwendung einfach nicht mit einem Web Service sprechen, obwohl nach allem Dafürhalten die clientseitige Implementierung korrekt aussah. Nun ist das Debuggen, und insbesondere das Debuggen von Netzwerktraffic in diesem Bereich nicht ganz so trivial wie bei gewöhnlichen Desktop-Anwendungen. Aber mit heutigen Werkzeugen und sonstigen Hilfsmitteln ist es auch kein Hexenwerk. Dachte ich.

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